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Fattoush Salat Kalorien

Fattoush Salad: A Lebanese Delight with Nutritional Value

Nutritional Content of Fattoush Salad

Fattoush salad, a staple in Lebanese cuisine, offers not only a burst of flavor but also an array of essential nutrients.

One bowl (approximately 300g) of fattoush salad provides the following macronutrient composition:

  • Calories: 150
  • Carbohydrates: 26g
  • Fat: 66g
  • Protein: 8g

Potassium Richness

Fattoush salad stands out as a significant source of potassium, containing approximately 8% of the recommended daily intake. This mineral plays a crucial role in maintaining fluid balance, regulating blood pressure, and supporting muscle function.

Related Foods with Similar Nutritional Profiles

For those seeking foods with comparable nutritional content, consider the following options:

  • Tabbouleh: Another Lebanese salad with high potassium levels
  • Hummus: A Middle Eastern dip rich in protein and healthy fats
  • Baba Ghanoush: A roasted eggplant dip providing essential vitamins and minerals


Fattoush salad, a cornerstone of Lebanese cuisine, combines culinary delight with nutritional value. Its balanced composition of carbohydrates, fat, protein, and potassium makes it a nourishing addition to any healthy diet. Whether you're seeking a refreshing salad or a source of essential nutrients, fattoush salad deserves a place on your menu.
